Monday, January 25, 2010

Name Game

Hello Everyone,

We spent Christmas and New Years home in Colorado Springs with family and returned the day before my Dr. appointment for an ultra sound. We got a due date and learned we are having another baby girl! (I knew it!) The baby is due the first week of May. Very excited.

My sister had already told my parents over the phone, and said I needed to call Mom and Dad, because Dad had something important to tell me. I guess when he heard we were having a girl, Dad just knew what name she should be given. Apparently no one in our immediate or extended family has been named after his Great Grandmother Tinei (pronounced Tee-nay).

Although we had already settled on a first name for this child, Marc and I agreed to use Tinei as her middle name, which immediately offended Dad. I heard him in the background telling mom, "If she's not going to use it as the first name then tell her don't use it at all." We told mom to tell him we were going to give the baby his mothers name, Ailua as a middle name. When Mom told him, he started going on and on about how sick he was of hearing that name, that there are too many Ailua's in the family (including myself) and no Tinei's. (He cracks me up).

We got on the subject of the importance of choosing names that give honor or have special meaning. Mom shared several family names on both sides. Nearly all of them were what my good friend Jeanne would have been referring to when she said, "Ya know, some names are just meant to die off." Hate to say it, but it's so true and every family has 'em, lol. I shared Jeanne's wisdom with mom and although she hated to say it, she had to agree. It was so good to hear her laugh about it.

Mom then told me that Grandpa Fusu told Ailua to give Dad a family name that basically translates into "fish poop," but Ailua told her Dad quit talking nonsense and that his name would be Oliva after Oliver Cowdery an early leader in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who witnessed miraculous things. Hmmm...Fish Poop or Oliver...No comparison.

Another poor relative was not so lucky and was named, Pepilo (sp?) meaning stinky or funky (as in bodily stink). Poor guy changed his name soon as he was old enough to Phillip. Up to that point the poor guy was miserable. After he changed his name he met a nice girl and eventually got married, had kids, and was much happier. Mom shared a lot of cool stories over the phone that I'll have to record for our family someday.

In the end, mom said Tinei has the meaning of "one who overcomes." I like that. In our family prayers each night we ask Heavenly Father to bless this baby to be healthy and strong in faith. We are certain there will be things in her lifetime where she will need faith and strength to overcome. We look forward to giving her a name that she can be proud of and live up to.
