Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Busted by the Babysitter

Wednesday nights Marc and I play volleyball at the church. Our awesome friends Matt and Jeanne take the kiddos for us. When we picked them up tonite, Jeanne shared with us something Charly's been trying to pull on her the last couple of times. Apparantly once we're gone, Charly will walk into the kitchen with a deep in thought kinda look on her face and hands on her hips and say something like this to Jeanne, "My mom always lets me have....." (here's where she usually asks for candy or something mom doesn't always give her), to which Jeanne has always answered..."Charly?.......Do I look like your mom?" and Charly usually gives an awe shucks kinda smirk and says, "Noooooo."

I guess she figured it wasn't working like she'd been planning it all in her head, so last Wednesday she started with..."My Dad, let's me...." turning to face Jeanne she can see Jeanne's already on to her...she stops (shaking her head) and finishes, " don't look like my dad do you?" Laughing Jeanne says, "Nooooo." Gotta give the girl credit for trying.


  1. Quick learner! Sooooo funny! :D

  2. LOL LOL that is MY Charly!! She does catch on pretty fast!! Gotta love that girl!! It is so fun to keep up with you guys in a blog!! I miss you like crazy but at least we can keep up with ya so the loneliness isn't quite as bad!! I love you all, Mom and Grandma!! p.s. I bet Jeanne had a hard time not laughing when Charly said that...I wouldn't have been able to not laugh!!

  3. She is too quick for you! The smart kids, man, they are the ones who are hard to keep up with! She is so cute! I love it!

  4. That is hillarious!!! What a doll!

