Tuesday, February 24, 2009

So the following pictures are NOT in order, but it would take me too much time organize it all. The reason I'm posting them is because my mom & dad back on the island requested bigger pictures of their grandkids. Especially of the baby. They've missed out on a lot of growing and fun.

So Mom & Dad.......HERE they are!


  1. I know that your Mom and Dad are thrilled that you are doing a BLOG so they can keep up with their Grandkids mostly!! I miss your parents a WHOLE, WHOLE LOT and am so happy for them that they get to see Charly and Kavika here on your Blog!! I am posting pictures of when you were home so they can see pictures of Kavika and his first time to eat food!! I miss and love you all so much and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish you were here in the Springs with us...then I think of your parents...Leilani and I don't feel so bad cuz at least we have seen you a coulple times since they got to and I need to be GRATEFUL that we are all so BLESSED!! I LOVE YOU GUYS so much and pray that you are safe and healthy!! Love you tons, Mom and Grandma

  2. I posted pictures and videos of Charly, Kavika, and pictures of Sami's, Zermah, and Fusu at the Baptism for your families to see...especially your parents, Leilani!! Enjoy and I LOVE YOU GUYS!! Love, Mom and Grandma
