Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ear Infections

So we took the kiddos to the doc to get em a check-up. Found out they both have ear infections. Came home with filled prescriptions for antibiotics. First day Charly was hysterical when we wanted to administer her meds. You'da thought we was tryin' to poison the poor gurl! Anyhow, we pulled out the old token system and NOW she's reminding us to administer the thick pink pepto bismal looking stuff. She's got 22 tokens and is working her way up to 40. She has been asking us over a month now for this or that and we keep saying, sure maybe for your birthday. Now that she's got actual tokens she's dreaming big: Chuck-E-Cheese, get heelies (sp?), buy her a pogo stick, or "a barbie pupcake toy." I hadn't ever heard of a pupcake let alone a toy, but she says she wants it so she can decorate them with frosting and give them to people. Marc tried to explain to her that it was just a decorating kit for CUPcakes it doesn't actually bake anything. Either way, we told her she can choose a (single) prize once she's earned enough tokens. (We'll have to post her decision in the coming days/weeks. By the way...that's not Charly in case you're worried you've missed out on a lot of changes...also, we don't use giant soup ladels for her doses either)

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention, that must really BE poison since it's not pink and pepto-colored! ;) I could tell it wasn't Charly, but it definitely is a good look-a-like with the curly hair and similar size, etc.
